My name is Bruno and I’m the ambassador.
Of what you will be asking yourself. In actual fact, I have been an electrician for over twenty years specialising in the installation of residential and office automation systems. But a few months ago, I became an ambassador for an amazing system which won me over instantly because of how easy and intuitive it is to use. It’s called OTOMO and, unlike all the other systems I was used to, it’s wireless. Yes, that’s right, it’s a latest-generation Bluetooth Low Energy system that is reliable and secure.
OTOMO must be really special if it managed to convince someone like me who has always worked with KNX standard protocols, open or closed, but always wired systems.
Firstly, it’s really easy to program. A few hours training allowed me to install the system in no time at all and the functionality is surprising.
It’s great for automating small to medium offices without running up excessive costs. Really! No building work is needed because it’s a “wireless” system.

With OTOMO, I can automatically open doors, adjust the brightness of the lights, raise or lower shutters and all by simply configuring the program which can be managed directly on my smartphone or tablet. A huge advantage, especially now when my customers ask me ever more frequently for touchless systems.
But there’s more: OTOMO is a smart system that communicates with objects. It’s called the Internet of things and allows different devices to communicate with one another. For example, the lighting systems which vary the brightness of the light during the day by following the circadian rhythm, i.e. as the hours pass. You don’t have to get up from your desk and try and find the right light setting with the dimmer because the lighting in the office changes based on whether it’s daytime, dusk or night-time outside thanks to the app installed on your phone and the program settings. However, if a storm suddenly starts brewing and the clouds block out the sun, the artificial lighting inside changes to adapt to the variation in light outside. Convenient, right?
And you know how much light affects your mood.
Well, to tell you truth, I’m a bit like Saint Thomas, so until I saw it with my own eyes, I didn’t believe it.
I installed OTOMO in my office/workshop.
It’s really nice when I arrive in the office in the morning before starting the day and the lights are turned on just how I like them. In the morning, bright lights hurt my eyes, so I programmed OTOMO to only turn on the lamp on my desk, near the computer.
I forgot to mention that OTOMO recognises you via your cell phone and sets up the environment based on the preferences you input.
And after that, I had no more doubts.
I’m an ambassador now.

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